Saturday, 26 November 2011


I set out this morning, in the midst of our first snowstorm of the year, to meet a friend for some shopping and lunch. I was the first one to brave my sideroad; there was untouched snow until I came to the first concession that meets our dead end. Here a set of tracks came out, and I followed them. I passed a driveway and another car pulled out, following my tracks. As I drove home, I passed a neighbour who was plowing the road with his own truck, as the municipal plow had not made it this far yet. Another neighbour was doing the same with his snowblower. It reminded me how important community is, and how much it benefits the whole when we all do our bit. As I shopped the small, independent merchants and handcrafters this morning, I felt the same sentiment. It is so important, in this age of box stores and mass commercialism, to support our local shops. Particularly for those in the handcraft business, it is important for us to support each other. Whether it’s shopping at the local cooperative, spreading the news about a local crafter, or joining a local Circle on etsy, we are supporting our own industry when we shop local and buy hand-made. Now as I sit in front of a cozy fire, the kettle is on the woodstove and I’m boiling water to make 40 Below Tea from the Boreal Forest Teas here in Thunder Bay ( I have a million new ideas in my mind (which I’m sketching in my gorgeous new leather notebook from The Fairy Garden, and just need the time (and a good cleanout of the sewing room) to put into place.

I’ve ordered more vintage silk saris for my infinity scarves, and need to get sewing. That is the plan for tomorrow when it is daylight.  I’m looking at images of Victorian Caroling Capelets and thinking this would make a wonderful winter accessory here in the north, an extra layer of warmth that doesn’t have a gap between hood and scarf for the cold, snow and wind to slither into.  For these and the matching armwarmers I’d like to make I’m looking at traditional Scandinavian and particularly Sami designs, I’m thinking the images of the hardy northerners in Lappi are a good inspiration for those of us here in Canada.

On another note, my Jordana Paige L.J. Kaelms bag came in, which will help me stay organized and make my knitting more portable!

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