Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Shop your stash

Shopping your stash seems to be a big thing in knitting (and spinning - more on that later) this year, and I think it’s fabulous!

Shopping your stash is the crafter’s equivalent of the general societal move towards minimalism and reducing commercialism. This concept encourages you to use what is otherwise sitting around rather than purchasing new project-specific yarn. 

Many of us have the tendency to purchase one skein of hand-dyed yarn at a time as we discover new dyers and colourways. Often this isn’t enough to make anything more than a hat or cowl. We also (or at least I do) tend to gravitate towards the same same colour families, so we then have numerous single skeins of not-quite-but-almost the same colourways. And do we really need four not-quite-but-almost the same hats/cowls/shawlettes?

Luckily, there has been a trend in knitting design to boldly blend these single skeins in previously unconsidered combinations into larger projects such as sweaters and full size shawls. Andrea Mowry’s “Fade” designs come to mind. 

So, if you suffer from Single Skein Syndrome as I do, head over to Ravelry and take a look at the bold new ideas there (some good search terms are “fade” and “colour melting”).